Most Unique

(White Paper Summary - University)
Unique New Fun Raising Concept for Universities

Universities continue to send letters to prospective donors requesting donations for worthy causes. Millions are spent on direct mail printing, mailing & postage. How successful is just a letter when asking for donations?

According to statistical data 41 % of people look forward to their mail.  Response rates for direct mail solicitations are approximately in the range of 5-9%. As you know, DirectMail can be incredibly effective by engaging donors & generating support for the university; especially to well targeted groups like Freshman parents and annual funds.

"Banknotables" is a unique & new "Fun Raising" concept that makes the giving experience Powerful & Meaningful. We think our concept will prove more successful than just a letter asking for donations. This unique, new and inexpensive concept is to include a specially designed commemorative note, a Banknote Thanking the prospective donor for their interest in the university. 

With our concept your university will connect the printed message with the visual in a tactile way. Your specially designed banknote is printed & feels just like currency. Your prospect will connect with you by holding the note, because banknotes have that texture, feel and authenticity that money has…and also because Texture piques their interest. Your note can be designed to include interesting facts & figures about the university. Banknotables are most affordable & costs less than most premiums purchased as giveaways and can be more productive in obtaining donations.

Nothing like this "Fun Raising Tool" has ever been presented before.

Raising funds for a new building ? Why not place your Campaign's URL to generate support by way of an Interactive Donor Experience. Imagine the donor prospect loads your URL and the University President or Director of Institutional Advancement appears from the note and tells you how you- the donor, can help build this new building and how you will personally help the project. Now this concept becomes a personal "ASK" that's different, unique, new and psychologically & emotionally appealing. This now becomes an Interactive Donor Experience.

Banknotables are completely legal and can be the successful way to link the university with the donor and create loyalty and donor longevity. Change the design each year- and measure impact.

This donor concept is brought to you by a former university Trustee, philanthropist and document security specialist, now wanting to create a strong link between charities and prospective donors via his specialty - Banknotes. Try this unique "Fun Raising Tool." You'll be glad you did.

Why not try something new ?

The sample images above are to demonstrate the possibilities for your organization and to
highlight  the craftsmanship and high quality we put into all of our products.  You should know
that the Everyday Heroes Banknotables notes and banknote art pieces were sent to a number
of NYC fire departments to help raise funds after the tragedy of 9/11.
Banknotables is a great new idea that celebrates the
FUN in charitable donations!  That's why we call our
method of fundraising "FUNraising"
Contact us right now for more information   609-425-8428
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